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AI and Recruitment – Why We Still Need the Human Touch


AI and Recruitment – Why We Still Need the Human Touch

AI (artificial intelligence) has become increasingly prominent in recruitment, with many organisations using it to screen candidates and even make hiring decisions – without the need to speak to the candidate. While this can allow employers to cut some corners and reduce their workload, it can also lead to costly financial and cultural mistakes. With the average cost-per-hire for an employee being around £3,000, it is essential to get it right. AI certainly has its advantages, but we still need the human touch in recruitment, and these are just some of the reasons why.

AI-Generated CVs

Instead of spending time and effort on their CVs, many candidates use AI and a job spec to generate them; this means that although the candidate might look like they fit the role perfectly, this is often smoke and mirrors. Employers then find themselves wasting time on interviews with candidates who don’t possess the right kind of experience. Worse still, they may even make hiring decisions based solely on a CV. With the human touch, a recruiter can delve into the candidate's experience and ensure they can do the job – meaning that employers' time and efforts don't go to waste. The human touch is paramount with the ever-evolving use of AI in the application process.

Analyse Soft Skills

Employers generally look for specific soft skills in a candidate, such as good communication, a friendly persona, and a positive attitude. These are skills you can't distinguish when you use AI. Recruiters can spend time with candidates and really get a feel for the type of person they are and whether they will contribute positively to the organisational culture.

Sell the Company

It is essential to make the right match for a company and an employee. Otherwise, things can go wrong. For instance, the culture might not match, or the expectations might not be met. A face-to-face conversation with a recruiter allows for more depth in discussing the role and ensuring the match is correct. Therefore, there is less chance that an employee will fail to succeed. The recruiter can sell the company's benefits—something AI can't offer.

Negotiate Terms

A recruiter can spend quality time with candidates and negotiate terms with them. What might not have seemed attractive in a job spec, may seem more appealing when the process has a human touch.


Improve Diversity

AI can cause bias, as it can give preferential treatment to candidates that fit within a particular sector of society. Consequently, you end up with a lack of diversity in your workplace, causing you to miss out on candidates from various backgrounds with different experiences, ideas, and even languages. With the human touch, there is less likely to be bias within the selection process as recruiters are more likely to base their decisions on personality and skills.

You can contact us here if you would like to learn more about our recruitment services at Morgan Spencer and how we can ensure the 'human touch' in our processes.



Posted by: Morgan Spencer