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Why Your Best Hire Might Not Have the Perfect CV


In the competitive world of recruitment, the perfect CV is often seen as the golden ticket to landing a job. However, this traditional mindset may cause employers to overlook candidates who could be the best fit for their organisation. Here’s why your best hire might not have the perfect CV:

Skills Over Experience

A CV often emphasises past roles and responsibilities, but it may not fully capture a candidate's skill set. A person might have developed crucial skills through non-traditional means such as freelancing, personal projects, or volunteering, which might not be highlighted in a conventional CV format.

Cultural Fit

While a CV can list qualifications and achievements, it doesn’t convey a candidate’s personality or cultural fit within your organisation. A candidate who aligns with your company's values and culture can be more valuable in the long term than someone with a more impressive CV but who doesn't mesh well with your team.

Learning Potential

The best hire is often someone who demonstrates a strong capacity to learn and adapt. A candidate’s CV may not showcase their learning agility or willingness to acquire new skills, both of which are crucial in today’s fast-paced work environment.

Passion and Motivation

Passion for the job and intrinsic motivation are qualities that can drive exceptional performance. These traits might not be evident from a CV but can be discovered through interviews, references, and work samples. Candidates who are passionate about what they do often go above and beyond in their roles.

Soft Skills

Critical soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are often underrepresented on CVs. These skills are vital for many roles, and a candidate who excels in these areas might be a better hire than someone whose CV is filled with technical achievements but lacks interpersonal abilities.

Non-Traditional Backgrounds

Candidates from non-traditional backgrounds can bring diverse perspectives and innovative solutions to your company. They may have taken unconventional career paths, leading to a less traditional CV. However, their unique experiences can be a significant asset to your organisation.

Potential for Growth

A candidate with an imperfect CV might have untapped potential that can be nurtured with the right training and development opportunities. Investing in such individuals can yield high returns as they grow and contribute to your company’s success.

While a polished CV can be impressive, it is not always indicative of the best candidate for your organisation. By looking beyond the CV and considering the whole individual – their skills, cultural fit, potential, and passion – you might discover the best hire who will bring lasting value to your team.

Posted by: Morgan Spencer