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Technology at work has been growing and changing at an unprecedented pace – and it’s unlikely to slow down as we go back to the office after COVID-19. Professionals must adapt quickly to survive and thrive.

Here’s what you can expect – and how to handle it.

Get used to remote working

Working via video conference is here to stay, and we need to adapt. First, that means being aware of cybersecurity risks. Employers want people who know how to protect users and data from attacks. 

Second, it means drawing clear boundaries between work and leisure. Set aside specific times and places for work.

Choose the right communication tools

Think about what you want to do before choosing your tool. Email, WhatsApp and texting are great for communicating facts, but for collaborative discussion, prefer voice apps like Skype, Zoom, or the good old phone. Using the phone sometimes instead of video calling can take the pressure off.

Social media is great for growing your network. Use it to build relationships selectively and follow up – don’t just send a LinkedIn request and forget about it, check back and start a conversation.

Embrace new tech

Cloud-based accounting and back-office functions are gaining ground, as is the use of AI, automation, and data modelling to make informed decisions, predict market activity, and cut costs. Make sure you’re up to speed.

Get good at video interviews

Make sure you fully understand the video conferencing software you’ll be using before an interview. Try it out beforehand and arrive a bit early to iron out any glitches. Make sure you’re dressed professionally (yes, below the waist too!) and your background looks clean and professional too.

Demonstrate your skills remotely

Whether it’s in your CV or cover letter or at interview, never make a claim about yourself without a great example to back it up. The acronym STAR (situation, task, action, results) can help you build up a good story. Highlight your technical skills, growth mindset, and wiliness to learn.

Use keywords

With many CVs now being sorted by AI, it’s vital to include the right keywords. Go through the job description, pick out the specific nouns they’re asking for, and sprinkle those exact words liberally into your CV and cover letter.

Upskill for the future of tech

Work out what skills are going to be particularly useful in your industry, and check out platforms like Coursera, Udemy or LinkedIn Learning for free or affordable training options. Job agencies can also offer tests to ascertain your skill level, which you can then show to employers.

Posted by: Morgan Spencer