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Successful interviewing relies on a positive mindset. If you’re saying to yourself, “How am I supposed to manage that during a global pandemic?” you’re not alone. We are all weathering hardships--including, for many of us, job changes--and the unpredictable emotions that come with them. But there will be life after all the uncertainty and chaos, and you shouldn’t let anxiety keep you from going after your career goals if the opportunity presents itself.


While interviewing remotely presents its own particular challenges, it doesn’t have to get in the way of performing well in your interview. Follow these steps to align your mindset for the best possible outcome.


1. Shift your focus.

The very fact that you were called in for an interview means that the hiring manager already thinks you’d be a decent fit. Force yourself to think back on your career and think ahead to your interview with a positive bias--chances are you have more to be proud of than you think.


2. Don’t overthink it.

You can prepare well, but you can’t be ready for every possible question or issue. And building up the stakes of an interview in your mind doesn’t always pay off. Sure, it could lead to an amazing job--and that would be great! But dwelling on how important it is to ace the interview can actually make you more nervous. Take a deep breath, and put things in perspective. Your life will go on if this doesn’t go perfectly.


3. Practise and prepare.

It will be much easier to stay calm right before the interview if you’ve looked over your resume, practised introducing yourself and your accomplishments, and double-checked your webcam setup well ahead of time.


4. Have a growth mindset.

This interview isn’t just an opportunity to land a job--it’s an opportunity to grow.


5. Reach out for support.

If you’re working with a recruiter or job-search support group, they can help you sort out your thoughts. Friends and family can also help by sharing advice and encouragement.


6. Don’t obsess.

You should prepare for your interview--but there’s evidence that spending time on hobbies and other non-career interests in the lead-up can improve your performance.


7. Dress for success.

Even if you’re not meeting your interviewer face-to-face, it will influence your mindset and self-presentation.


8. Get pumped up.

If there are any words of affirmation, songs, or rituals that make you feel confident, energised and happy, now’s the time to break them out.

Posted by: Morgan Spencer